Bespoke Board Butter


SKU: BespokeBoardButter Categories: ,


Unlike ceramic or plastic cutting boards, wooden cutting boards do require maintenance over time. Washing any cutting board after each use with simple soap and hot water is always needed regardless of material, but wood requires oiling to stay protected and supple. Thankfully this only takes a few minutes of time, and our step by step guide to Cutting & Serving Board Maintenance can be found here.

Our special house blend called Bespoke Board Butter is a mix of food grade mineral oil, organic food grade carnauba wax, and USDA certified organic beeswax. This can simply be buffed on and then buffed off after a few minutes, using a clean cotton rag. This can be used by itself, or after you have applied a layer of mineral oil to your board.

All new boards we deliver have this applied as the last protective step, and we like to reapply this Bespoke Board Butter to our own heavy daily use boards at home about every few months (quarterly), at a minimum. This penetrating blend of oil and wax will help condition the wood, and is an essential step for long term cutting board care.

This Board Butter is also perfect for using on your other wooden kitchen items, such as wooden serving bowls, wooden spoons, and more.

Additional information

Weight .75 lbs

2oz, 4oz, 8oz